Friday, January 30, 2015

That's the Way I Like It!

You know what is sweet? Not being at the beck and call of an alarm or a schedule. Being able to get as much or as little sleep as my body needs and feeling rested almost all of the time. What a concept! Doing activities and being able to be completely in the moment because there isn't a little voice asking if this is really how I want to spend my limited free time. Don't get something done today? There's always tomorrow! There's such a nice sense of being caught up instead of always racing to get the critical stuff done--such a sense of peace and contentment!

What I've found after the past six weeks is that I can breathe again. I can think again. I can feel and act like a normal person (which I know is a nebulous concept, but one that I've been missing lately!). While I still think a part-time job would be ideal, having this big chunk of time to decompress and settle my nervous system has been a total gift. Why does working have to have such a crazy stress component to it? Is it actually the job or is it my temperament or both? Hm....

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