Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Road Less Traveled

Yesterday's hike was such a metaphor for my life. I was walking through a familiar place, enjoying the scenery and drinking in the natural beauty. At some point, I decided to stray off the usual path and take all the side roads that I have always passed by. Some led to dead ends (however, there were great views!) and I had to turn around and return to where I left the main trail. Some turned out to be loops, where I meandered for awhile and ended up back in the same place where I started. These still gave me a different perspective and allowed me to see things I wouldn't normally. Some went to parts of the park that I had never been to and I got some great photos and a little excitement seeing something new. I'd venture off the main track for a while but somehow ended back on it eventually.

The bottom line though, was whichever new trail I took, it was still good--whether for the view, the new experience, the variety, or just building some new neural pathways in my brain! How easily we get stuck in a routine, doing the same familiar things over and over, afraid of what might happen if we make a wrong choice! This hike was a good reminder that ALL decisions have potential, and that even if you end up in a dead end, there is a gift to be had and you can always find your way back to the main path and continue on. For me, the worst choice is to just stay on the road always taken because it is the easiest thing to do. I need to remember this as I make my upcoming decisions....

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