Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Becoming One of THOSE People

I realized today that I made 4-5 facebook postings in the past week. Why? Because my life is so utterly fascinating? No! Because I have the time, I'm taking a lot of photos, and I am on the internet WAY too much these days. I am becoming a second generation couch potato! I'm not watching tv, but it seems everything I am interested in or want to research or want to stay in contact with is on the bloody computer. It is the ultimate seduction... But I find that sitting in front of a screen so much is deadening to me overall. And I've never wanted to be one of the people who facebook about every move they make, every photo they've taken, every meal they've eaten.

I keep having this sense that I need to be doing something meaningful and important with this precious free time. But one of the problems is I don't know how long I will be in this area, which prevents me from volunteering somewhere or signing up for a class or getting a part time job. I can do projects around the house (mainly yardwork), but even that is limited. Is it simply my Puritan self that feels I have to be DOING SOMETHING in order to be happy? Is it lack of people contact in "real life" that makes me want to share on facebook or on this blog or in emails?

Today I am doing a mystery shopper job at Ghiradelli's. I have to buy a sundae and report on the condition of the store and the friendliness of the employees. A tough job, but someone has to do it! Maybe I'll write about it on facebook... :)

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