Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me

One of the hazards of having a lot of time on your hands is that those hands like to stay busy. And unfortunately, if there's no work to do, there's always eating!  I had these great plans and dreams to get at least an hour's workout every day. Okay, maybe most days. But I've found that unless I have a specific activity planned (i.e., bike through Pebble Beach at 9 am or a dance lesson at 7 pm), my day gets sucked away with other things and then I'm too tired or unmotivated to exercise. I guess some things don't change whether you are working or not! What does change is the availability and freedom to eat whenever you want. I have a feeling the "freshman fifteen" have nothing on the "fifty-something fifteen" (except at an older age, it's harder to get rid of them!).

A challenge, to be sure. I look at the people I admire most and they have stayed very active as they've aged. It is a priority, a lifestyle, and a mindset. I'd love to use this time off to get in the best shape of my life. I started this venture at a certain size and weight. Let's see how I end it!

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