Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Seven Months of...Heaven?

How long does it take one to settle into serious down time? On Day Two of the Great Experiment, I find myself antsy that I'm not being productive--that I'm frittering my time away. Today I looked up from the computer and it was already 11! So seductive is the internet...

So, listening to my Puritan streak, I have made a loose schedule for myself in the coming days. An hour of guitar, an hour of exercise, an hour to clean house and body. I also realized that this can't be a) all about ME, and b) that I need to incorporate some major people time into my day or I will start talking back to the set.

To those ends, I have decided to devote an hour each week to answering online requests for prayer. Of course, my first attempt this morning was a dismal disaster, as I faithfully and thoughtfully answered ten requests and then promptly deleted nine of them, causing me to nearly throw the laptop across the room after spending an hour typing them. It was a lesson in patience and humility!

I am also going to try to get some kind of group activity or lesson going during the day. I have plenty of dance activities and photography plans for evenings, but to spend most of my day alone is unhealthy. I'm looking into finding a small dog as well. Better to talk to an animal than myself!

I can already see this is going to be a process. Being without my car is forcing me to slow down and actually take a look at myself and my life, which is important.  It's too easy for me to go-go-go and find my time frittered away as well. I need to find balance! While I can go into "slug mode" for a week or two or even a couple of months in the summer, I find I need projects to keep me busy and a purpose to my day or I end up eating all the time and will become an obese recluse before I know it.

All of this has been rather unexpected. It makes me curious to see how things are going to turn out....

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