Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Living in Limboland

As much as I'm enjoying this time off, I also feel more than ever that my life is in limbo. I don't know where I am supposed to work, live, or when I will really retire. It is such a trust walk! Like Indiana Jones, I am stepping out into the chasm, uncertain that a bridge will materialize to catch my feet. It is a process of becoming friends with uncertainty (not that we EVER have certainty in our lives!)...

So, I ask myself the "miracle question": If everything were magically resolved tomorrow, what would my life look like?

I would be living with the love of my life, I would have a job that I loved so much that retirement wouldn't happen for another ten years minimum (photography/coaching/counseling), I would have family living nearby, I would be financially without worries, I would still be dancing up a storm and have a lot of music in my life, I would be able to keep up the house and yard as I wanted, I would have a close spiritual community to belong to, I would socialize with, support, and know the people in my neighborhood, and I would be taking some big trips a couple of times a year. Connection, fun, and peace of mind. That's it in a nutshell! I have so many of those pieces already--how do I create the whole enchilada???

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