Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Difference Between Men & Women

Overall, men and women age differently--period. Women see retirement and old age as a time of freedom and coming into their own after a life of service to others. Men seem to see it as a time to stop doing and start sleeping. This is a generalization, of course, but I see strong evidence of it everywhere-- dances, at book clubs, at church functions, at stores, in classes, etc.--women outnumber the men at every turn. Women also seem to stay healthier longer, as is evidenced by mortality rates. Women complain the guys don't want to do anything but watch tv. Men say they are tired of socializing and having to socially "perform" and become homebodies. Women want to travel, take classes, prettify the nest, be with family and friends. Men seem to prefer everything stay status quo. Neither view is wrong or bad--they are simply incompatible.

Of course the exceptions to this rule are the single men who need or want to find a significant other, the true extroverts, and the few married ones for whom activity and curiosity are a lifelong pursuit (however, these kind usually stay working rather than retire!). As one who isn't yet ready to sit on the porch in a rocking chair and watch the world go by, I have to say I struggle mightily with being around the more passive gender. Like the old story goes, when I die, I want to slide into heaven, spinning and used up and out of breath and be able to say "Wow, what a ride!" Don't saddle me with someone who doesn't feel the same!

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