Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to Lose Weight in Retirement

Well, an earlier post was about how easy it is to GAIN weight with all the extra time on your hands. However, I have found the "magic bullet" that allows you to not only LOSE weight but not really care about eating, either. It's called getting braces.

When your mouth feels like it's been sliced and blistered from the inside, when your teeth hurt whenever you bite down on something, when it feels like aliens have taken over your mouth and left their spaceship behind, it is easy to not want to put anything but baby food past your lips!

After 55 years of crooked teeth (well, make that 49 since they didn't become crooked until my adult teeth came in), I decided that now was the time to have a smile that I'd love to see. I have the money, I have the time off work to get adjusted to them, and after talking with my parents, I understood that the slight shifting that I've been seeing will only get worse as I age. I now have the utmost respect for my middle school students who endure this ritual on a widespread basis. I can't imagine having the body and looks issues going on at the same time! Wait a minute--I DO have the body and looks issues going on too.... Hmmm... do you think they would give me a refund if I decided to bail at this point????

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