Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Time Machine

I hear so many people talk about how they don't have enough time to do what they want to do and they can't wait to retire so they "have more time". But having the past four months off, I realize that time is a slippery thing. I should have gallons and gobs of free time but because of all my activities, I have the same or less than when I was working! It isn't (usually) a case of having "no time", it's a case of what we prioritize in our lives. We all have the same 24 hours....

We fill up the minutes, hours, and days almost unconsciously. I see people who spend hours in front of their screen of choice (tv, computer, phone) and they wonder why they get nothing done. If you spend an hour cooking dinner instead of going out or making something simple, that is where your priority is. If you have your kids in four different sports or activities after school, that's how you are choosing to spend your time. If you go to daily Mass, again, that is where a chunk of time will go. If you opt to live an hour's drive from your work, you are choosing to lose two hours a day. If you are exercising an hour a day (good for you), it's still going to cut into your free time.

This past week, I had to make a decision to cut back. I felt like I was running from one event to the next and not really enjoying anything too much. I realized that I didn't have time for being with family or friends the way I wanted to. I needed some "dream time" to just stop and BE. After looking at my list of activities, I chose to drop the performance dance group. I felt pressured to find time to practice or even go to the extra lessons. I was committing two days of driving to Boulder (a 45-min drive each way) and it was too much on top of the other things I like and want to do. Busy is good. Too busy is bad. Made me sad to let the group go but am already feeling the relief and breath of air in my life. And now it's TIME to take a walk and enjoy the lovely spring beauty around me!

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