Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Going on an Explore

Well, I've spent about two months getting rested, relaxed, and refreshed. Now it's time to segue into another piece of this leave of absence: looking at other career options. Today I signed up for a six-month, 80 hour permaculture class being held one weekend a month in Boulder. The more I read about permaculture and sustainability, the more excited I feel. The thought of revolutionizing the planet through a mindset shift toward enriching the Earth and its people is very uplifting. The three main tenets of permaculture are : Love people, love the earth, and share the extra. What a simple (yet challenging) concept!

I feel I have included a lot of sustainability practices in my life--recycling, planting a garden, doing hydroponics, using a clothesline, putting in solar, biking to work, using fluorescent lights, composting, etc. However, I feel there is so much more that could be accomplished (even at the school I work at). The course is a little pricey, especially after the recent financial hits, but I figure, if not now, when? I have the time, which is usually the biggest issue.

Another avenue I am pursuing is my life coach certification. Again, the timing is the best it's ever going to be, and even if I don't become a coach, it will be a valuable addition to my counseling skills regardless. What I like is that it keeps giving me options, which is the greatest freedom and gift of all.

Am still looking into photography courses. Don't want to do anything online, which is unfortunately where most of the classes are. Am hoping to be able to mentor/apprentice with someone who already does the work. It's exciting to contemplate life for the next six months! I love it when I'm learning something new.....

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