Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Going with the Flow

Another "F" word! They're everywhere... :)

I figured out something very basic--I don't have to decide anything right now. Talk about relieving some pressure! I keep spiraling the questions over and over in my mind--where to live, who to live with, whether I should keep my job--and it simply wears me out and adds stress to what should be a very peaceful and relaxing time of my life. So today, I stopped thinking about the future (which I have little control over anyway) and decided not to decide. Not as a cop out, but simply because I don't need to yet. When the time comes, I will have more information and will make a choice based on what feels right and go from there. Until then, my job is simply to stay awake and aware to my feelings and my opportunities. Open heart, open mind. It was like being given permission to exhale after holding my breath way too long.... Why do we waste so much of life fretting (another good "f" word!) when we could be enjoying life so much more instead?! All is well, all will be well, and we need to trust that it is so.

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